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Summer Legs Are Made In the Winter™

Don’t Hide Your Legs This Summer Summer clothes are just around the corner but you don’t have to hide your legs this year. Are you unhappy with the appearance of your legs? Do you avoid wearing clothing that shows your legs? Are you experiencing swelling and discomfort in your legs? Do you have a network...

Men Get Varicose Veins, Too!

As many as 45 percent of all men will experience varicose veins at some point in their lives. The number one cause of varicose veins in both men and women is family history. If your mom or grandmother had varicose veins, you are more likely to have them. Lifestyle factors play a significant role as...

Untreated Venous Disease Can Lead to Serious Skin Complications

Longstanding and untreated venous insufficiency can lead to serious complications for patients. Venous reflux, associated with varicose vein disease, can result in increasing symptoms such as leg aching, pain, and swelling. This is a reflection of the increasing venous pressure from progressive valve failure inside the veins. Skin changes, such as stasis dermatitis, can even...

What Every Woman Should Know About Varicose Vein Disease

Do you have aching, painful or restless legs, heaviness, swollen ankles or muscle cramping? If so, you may have varicose veins. More than half of all women will suffer from varicose vein disease in their lifetime. For many women, varicose veins are a source of pain and discomfort. For others, varicose veins or its milder...

Athletic Compression Socks – A Tool For Runners

If you have been to any races or marathons recently, you may have noticed that many runners have begun to wear knee high compression socks or calf sleeves. Why is it beneficial? To understand the benefits of medical grade compression stockings, let’s take a look at the circulatory system. You may recall from biology class...

January and February 2013 Indiana Vein Specialists Newsletter

A Message from Dr. Schoonover Thanks so much to those of you who helped us stock the shelves of the Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank. We appreciate your donations to feed the 175 hungry families served each week by the food bank. We are introducing a new feature in our newsletter, Ask the Doctor. We...

Can Varicose Veins Affect People In Shape

Vein disease can impact the active or athletic adult but treatment is available. Varicose veins are not just a disease of older women. In fact, many people can develop varicose veins including men, athletes, pregnant women and those who are generally in good health. Active people are sometimes surprised to see bulging veins in their...

Varicose Veins And Your Health

VARICOSE VEINS ARE NOT ONLY A COSMETIC PROBLEM There is no doubt that varicose veins can be unattractive. Many women choose to have them treated simply because they want healthier looking legs. However, there are other very important reasons to seek treatment. Varicose vein disease occurs when one-way valves inside the veins fail, also known...

Cutera XEO Coolglide Surface Laser

The Cutera XEO Coolglide is at Indiana Vein Specialists! Laser removal systems like the Cutera XEO Coolglide offer a needle-less option for removing unsightly and otherwise unwanted varicose veins and blemishes. After reviewing a variety of options for our patients after surface sclerotherapy, Dr Schoonover was impressed with results and overall comfort with the Cutera...

After 40: Mens Varicose Veins

Do men have varicose veins less often than women? Yes, but the difference is not as great as you might think. You may be surprised to learn that 55 percent of women will suffer from varicose veins, compared to 45 percent of men. I know a lot of women get varicose veins due to pregnancy,...

November/December Monthly Newsletter: Discounts on Compression Socks, Holiday Hours

At this season of Thanksgiving, we want to say thank you to you, our friends and patients, for your loyalty and support. We wish you a healthy and happy Thanksgiving holiday. Dr. Jeffery P. Schoonover Welcome Dona Rice, RN, RVT We are pleased to announce that Dona Rice has joined our team at Indiana Vein...

Special October Newsletter: Anniversary Special for Spider Vein Treatment

A Message from Dr. Schoonover Thanks so much to all of you for supporting us and Indiana Vein Specialists during this past year. We celebrate our first anniversary in October and realize that our success would not be possible without your loyalty. You have made this venture a true joy and we are grateful you...