February 23rd: Seminar on Athletic Compression Stockings

Dr. Schoonover Promotes Awareness of Varicose Veins to Indy Runners at Butler University
On February 23rd we held a seminar for Indy Runners at Butler University’s Hinkle Field House. The event promoted awareness about potential venous problems that athletes may experience by explaining the potential symptoms they may experience while training for major races and events. It highlighted how compression stockings, mainly athletic recovery socks, could be used to enhance performance as well as lessen their risk of developing varicose veins as they continue to seek to improve their running. The seminar started with a presentation (part of which is included in this post) that explained the causes of varicose veins and how they can affect runners.
The members of Indy Runners were excited to learn how to protect themselves and actively engaged Dr. Schoonover about different aspects of vein disease, the treatment process, and what they should expect from custom fit compression stockings. From that conversation Dr. Schoonover wrote up several explanations that he wanted to post here for reference (see below). He believes educating people on their health is the best way to ensure that they can continue to enjoy their active lifestyles while minimizing the risks of developing vein disease. However, in recognizing that there are other factors contributing to the runners’ health, he offered free screenings to anyone who wanted to check their vein health and measured anyone who wanted to get fitted for athletic compression stockings.
Learn more about athletic compression stockings.
A few slides from our presentation
Why does post-exertion muscle pain happen?
Can Varicose Veins Impact Performance?
A Little about Indy Runners
Indy Runners is a club, based out of Indianapolis, that promotes walking and running as healthy lifestyle activities for people in the area. The group supports members by providing opportunities for group runs/walks as well as providing information on upcoming events and competitions in the local area. With over 900 members they provide a fantastic way to reach out and join others in the pursuit of health through walking and running. They agreed to host Dr. Schoonover because they recognized how important education is to maintaining one’s health.
Learn more by visiting: Indy Runners.