Lymphedema Treatment Virtual Symposium

The National Lymphedema Network is hosting a two-day virtual event covering various topics related to lymphedema treatment. The symposium is August 10th and11th, from 11:00am to 1:30pm EDT.
Patients living with lymphedema, as well as their families, friends, and caregivers are invited to this free event. Learn about the different aspects of lymphedema treatment with opportunities to ask questions and win prizes!

Topics include:
- What is Lymphedema?
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage
- Multi-layered Short Stretch Bandaging
- Deep Breathing and Stretching
- Skin Care and Lymphedema
- Exercise
- Body Image
- Compression Garments
- Donning Aides
- Compression Pumps
- Lymphedema Treatment Act
- Patient Experiences
To view the schedule or learn more about the event, visit the National Lymphedema Network website.