Spider Veins
What Are Spider Veins?
Spider Veins are broken capillaries, formally named telangiectasias, which are red, blue or purple thread-like veins (less than 2mm in diameter, flat or raised) on the surface of the skin. Though smaller than most varicose veins, spider veins are often darker and more noticeable. This is because these veins are located just below the surface of the skin. The larger variant of spider veins, reticular veins, are up to 3 mm in diameter and have a blue-green appearance, and are often associated with telangiectasias.
More common in women, spider and reticular veins may be triggered by pregnancy or hormonal variations. Spider veins may result in itching, leg restlessness, aching, and throbbing. Bleeding may also occur from traumatized spider veins from shaving or household chores. Non-symptomatic spider veins may also be found on the face and chest as well as the legs. Although surface veins are considered by some to be a cosmetic problem, they can also be just as symptomatic as classic varicose veins.

What Is Surface Sclerotherapy?
The gold standard for spider and reticular vein treatment remains surface sclerotherapy. A very fine needle is used to inject a solution (sclerosant) directly into the veins. This solution causes an inflammatory reaction that the lining of the veins to swell and eventually seal off the blood vessel, preventing blood flow. Newer sclerosant medications have greatly reduced the pain, inflammation, and post-procedure discomfort previously associated with surface vein treatment. At Indiana Vein & Lymphatic, we also utilize visually guided LED technology for optimal visualization and to achieve desired clinical results.
Each vein may require more than one injection. Some results may be seen immediately; some results may take weeks or even months.
How Are They Treated?
Quick, effective outpatient visits treat the root cause, not just the symptoms.
Does Surface Laser Help?
Our approach is that we will utilize certain vascular specific lasers (1064 nM NdYag) in patients that have had prior sclerotherapy treatment on a case by case basis. We have found surface laser therapy to be of great help for certain patients depending on location and mutual treatment goals.
Additional Diagnosis & Evaluation
Especially for patients that have had recurring veins despite previous treatment or if you are having increased venous insufficiency symptoms (i.e chronic leg aching or ankle swelling at end of day), this could be a sign of a deeper venous issue. At Indiana Vein & Lymphatic, our comprehensive approach is to evaluate the health of the underlying leg veins, which may include additional ultrasound assessment.
We pride ourselves on our ability to offer our patients the most effective treatment options:
Vein Disease Diagnosis
Venous Treatment Phases
Surface Sclerotherapy
Conservative Measures

“I can now endure intense cardio and leg workouts, and it does feel like I’ve been given a new set of legs.”